Zog Cia Khoom Roj Teeb

Zog Cia Khoom Roj Teeb




1.LiFepo4 Roj teeb rau lub zog cia kaw / fais fab ntsa

1) Lub tsev koj lub tsev, ua rau koj lub neej ntsuab!

3kWh / 5KWh / 7KWh

10Xyoo Roj teeb tsim lub neej

Mus txog6,000mus ib ncig

Mus txog15PCs hauv parallel

Ultra Muaj Kev Nyab Xeeb

Built-in bms kev tiv thaiv

Siab compatibility

Tau tshaj ntawm cov inverters

Txhua yam hauv ib qho kev daws teeb meem

Roj teeb, inverter, lub ntiaj teb vaj huam sib luag

Yooj yim rau kev khiav lag luam

Ntsaws thiab ua si

2.LiFepo4 Roj teeb rau lub zog cia hauv qhov system / Muaj thiab Kev Lag Luam

Bluetooth soj ntsuam

Cua kub txoj haujlwm yeem

Rs485 / Rs232 / Tau

Cov chaw taws teeb tswj

3.LIFEPO4 roj teeb rau lub zog cia khoom / khib Mount

Ntau Fais Fab

5kWh modular tsim, yooj yim rau txuas rau lub peev xwm loj dua

Kev nyab xeeb kev lees paub

Kev nyab xeeb LFP hlwb Technology

Built-in bms kev tiv thaiv

Siab compatibility

Tau tshaj cov inverters feem ntau

Yeem ua haujlwm


Sab Hauv-Cua Sov System

Cov chaw taws teeb tswj

4.LiFepo4 roj teeb rau lub zog cia khoom siv lub zog / Telecom Chaw Nres Tsheb

Ntau Fais Fab

5kWh modular tsim, yooj yim rau txuas rau lub peev xwm loj dua

Kev nyab xeeb kev lees paub

Kev nyab xeeb LFP hlwb Technology

Built-in bms kev tiv thaiv

Siab compatibility

Tau tshaj cov inverters feem ntau

Yeem ua haujlwm


Sab Hauv-Cua Sov System

Cov chaw taws teeb tswj


LIFEPO4 Roj teeb Rau Lub Zeem Cia Khoom

1.power phab ntsa lifepo4 roj teebXyoo Roj teeb tsim lub neej

Mus txog6,000mus ib ncig

Mus txog15PCs hauv parallel

Ultra Muaj Kev Nyab Xeeb

Built-in bms kev tiv thaiv

Siab compatibility

Tau tshaj ntawm cov inverters

Txhua yam hauv ib qho kev daws teeb meem

Roj teeb, inverter, lub ntiaj teb vaj huam sib luag

Yooj yim rau kev khiav lag luam

Ntsaws thiab ua si

2. Kho lus siv hluav taws xob thiab kev lag luam hluav taws xob cia litrepo4 roj teeb

Bluetooth / Chaw taws teeb tswj / cua sov system xaiv

Rs485 / Rs232 / Tau

Ultra Muaj Kev Nyab Xeeb

Lub neej ntev ntev


3.rack mount lifeppe4 roj teeb

Ntau Fais Fab

5kWh modular tsim, yooj yim rau txuas rau lub peev xwm loj dua

Kev nyab xeeb kev lees paub

Built-in bms kev tiv thaiv

Siab compatibility

Tau tshaj cov inverters feem ntau

Yeem ua haujlwm

Bluetooth / Sab Hauv-cua sov system / chaw taws teeb tswj

4.Telecom Base chaw nres tsheb lifepo4 roj teeb

Ncua sijhawm ntev dua

10 xyoo roj teeb tsim lub neej

Kev nyab xeeb kev lees paub

Built-in bms kev tiv thaiv

Dawb Saib Xyuas

Tsis xav tau kev tu txhua hnub

Yooj yim rau kev khiav lag luam

Ntsaws thiab ua si


Whatsapp: +8618344253725372

TxogPeb li

Peb cov thev naus laus zis Co., Ltd. yog lub tuam txhab tshwj xeeb hauv kev tshawb fawb thiab kev txhim kho raws li kev tsim khoom ntawm cov roj teeb lithium. The products include 26650, 32650, 40135 cylindrical cell and prismatic cell, Our high-quality batteries find applications in various fields such as golf carts, marine equipment, starting batteries, RVs, forklifts, electric wheelchairs, floor cleaning machines, aerial work platforms, solar energy storage systems, and other low-speed vehicles and industrial power systems. Peb kuj tseem muaj cov roj teeb lithium lithium kom tau raws li cov kev xav tau ntawm koj cov ntawv thov.

Tuam Txhab Zuag

R & D pab pawg

15 + xyoo 100+ hauv National Consary

Kev Tsim Kho Kev Lag LuamPatents High-Tech Enterprise

Peb cov kws tshaj lij R & D yog los ntawm CATL, BYD, Huawei, thiab Evas, nrog ntau tshaj 15 xyoos ntawm kev lag luam kev lag luam. Leveraging advanced lithium technologies, we have obtained more than 100 technology patents in BMS, battery module, battery connect structure, and earned the title of National High-tech Enterprise. Peb tuaj yeem ua tiav ntau cov roj teeb lub zog, xws li 51,2v 4002, 8000 500, 96V 105ah, thiab 1MWHWh li roj teeb. Peb tsis tsuas yog muab cov kev daws teeb meem txheem tab sis kuj tseem customized daws teeb meem thiab ua cov roj teeb ua tiav tiav.Peb muaj kev muaj peev xwm thiab kev ntseeg siab los pab koj ua tiav koj cov tswv yim rau cov roj teeb daws!

Kev tswj kom zoo

√ ISOO9001 Ntawv pov thawj


Automatic ua haujlwm kab ntau lawm

Peb ib txwm hais tias muab cov neeg siv khoom muaj roj teeb zoo. Peb tau txais ISO900001 ntawv pov thawj. We strictly control every process in production, conduct quality testing on finished products, and focus on product technology, among other aspects. Peb txuas ntxiv txhawb kev siv tshuab hluav taws xob ntau lawm, txhim kho cov thev naus laus zis ntau lawm, thiab txhim kho kev ua haujlwm ntau lawm.

Cov khoom pov thawj

With advanced lithium battery solutions, a comprehensive Quality Control system, and Testing system, Our has obtained CE, MSDS, UN38.3, UL, IEC62619, RoHS, as well as sea shipping and air transport safety reports. Cov ntawv pov thawj no tsis yog tsuas yog ua kom cov qauv txheej txheem thiab kev nyab xeeb ntawm cov khoom tab sis kuj pab txhawb cov ntshuam thiab xa cov kev lis kev cai tshem tawm.

Kev lav

Peb muaj 7-xyoo lav vim peb lithium roj teeb. Even after the warranty period, our technical and service team remains available to assist you, addressing your queries and providing technical support. Txaus siab nyob rau hauv lub zog, kev txaus siab hauv lub neej!

Kev xa mus

Lub sijhawm ua kom nrawm nrawm, kev nyab xeeb dua - peb nkoj roj teeb los ntawm hiav txwv, huab cua, thiab qhia qhov rooj kev xa rov qab los ntawm UPS, FedEx, DHL. Txhua cov zaub mov xa tuaj raug pov hwm.

Kev pab cuam tom qab muag

Peb yuav ua peb qhov zoo tshaj plaws los txhawb peb cov neeg muas zaub ua ntej thiab tom qab muag. Peb yuav pab koj daws cov lus nug txog cov roj teeb, teeb tsa, lossis cov teeb meem tom qab yuav khoom. Peb cov pab pawg neeg ntxiv kuj tuaj yeem tuaj xyuas cov neeg siv khoom hauv tus kheej txhua xyoo los muab kev txhawb nqa kev.

Cov neeg siv khoom txaus siab yog lub zog tsav tom qab peb txoj kev kawm!

0 txij nkawm

7 xyoo lav

10 xyoo tsim lub neej

Muaj zog hlwb

Ultra Tus Nyab Xeeb Tus Qauv

Ntse bms

OEM & ODM kev daws teeb meem


Whatsapp: +8618344253725372